"Daran ist die Gesellschaft schuld!"

Zur Vorgeschichte eines Diktums der Moderne
Academia, 1. Edition 2020, 128 Pages
The product is part of the series Alber Philosophical Studies
ISBN 978-3-89665-870-8
ISBN 978-3-89665-871-5
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Society is to blame: The title of this book refers to a widespread dictum in modernity. From a historical point of view, however, it seems to lack plausibility as it appears in a culture whose ethical tradition has emphasised the importance of moral responsibility since antiquity. How could it then happen that social conditions have been declared responsible for all the deficiencies in humans’ lives? This is the central question this book addresses. The answer it gives goes back to the premises of the ethics of the New Testament. It describes Rousseau’s claim that society is to blame for all the evil in our world as the consequence of the secularisation of the Christian concept of charity that took place in the moralist literature of the early modern era.
Bibliographical data
Bibliographical data
Edition 1
ISBN 978-3-89665-870-8
Subtitle Zur Vorgeschichte eines Diktums der Moderne
Publication Date Dec 14, 2020
Year of Publication 2020
Publisher Academia
Format Softcover
Language deutsch
Pages 128
Copyright Year 2020
Medium Book
Product Type Scientific literature
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