Das Informationsverhalten von Bundestagsabgeordneten
Nomos, 1. Edition 2018, 423 Pages
The product is part of the series
Studien zum Parlamentarismus
This study aims to analyse parliamentary handling of information and the problems connected with it, which in turn enables it to evaluate the functionality of the parliamentary system. It adopts a political and sociological perspective that understands politics as a process of social interaction. This approach allows the author to examine both the structures in which parliamentary processing of information takes place and the motives on which political actors act independently of the contents of each act of communication. At the same time, she underlines her analytical considerations with practical examples in order to satisfy the empirical demands of such a study. All in all, she paints a comprehensive picture of parliamentary processing of information, which sheds light on the current functional problems of the political system.
More Information
Edition | 1 |
ISBN | 978-3-8487-4743-6 |
Subtitle | Eine Analyse der Entscheidungsprozesse im parlamentarischen System |
Publication Date | Mar 6, 2018 |
Year of Publication | 2018 |
Publisher | Nomos |
Format | Softcover |
Language | deutsch |
Pages | 423 |
Review | »Die analytischen Überlegungen werden mit Beispielen aus der Praxis unterlegt, sodass ein guter Einblick in die parlamentarische Arbeit gewonnen werden kann.« BetrAV 6/2018, 526 |
Medium | Book |
Product Type | Scientific literature |