Das Pariser Klimaabkommen

Ziele, Wirkungen und Reformperspektiven
Tectum, 1. Edition 2022, 88 Pages
The product is part of the series Tectum – Abschlussarbeiten
ISBN 978-3-8288-4743-9
ISBN 978-3-8288-7843-3
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The thesis examines whether the Paris Agreement is effective in combating climate change and to which extent a reform of the agreement is necessary.
It focuses on the contractual mechanisms for achieving the agreement’s objectives, the role of non-state actors and the extent to which the agreement is legally binding and enforceable.
This is followed by a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of possible reforms as well as the author’s own reform proposal that combines the bottom-up approach of the Paris Agreement with the top-down approach of the Kyoto Protocol in a hybrid model.
The text is accompanied by an interview conducted by the author with the Executive Secretary of the UN Climate Secretariat, Patricia Espinosa.
Bibliographical data
Bibliographical data
Edition 1
ISBN 978-3-8288-4743-9
Subtitle Ziele, Wirkungen und Reformperspektiven
Publication Date Mar 11, 2022
Year of Publication 2022
Publisher Tectum
Format Softcover
Language deutsch
Pages 88
Medium Book
Product Type Scientific literature
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