Der Krieg der Richter

Die deutsche Besatzung 1940-1945 und der norwegische Rechtsstaat
Nomos, 1. Edition 2019, 338 Pages
ISBN 978-3-8487-5475-5
ISBN 978-3-8452-9629-6
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In his book ‘Der Krieg der Richter’ (The Judges’ War), Hans Petter Graver, a professor at the Department of Private Law at the University of Oslo, analyses the role of German and Norwegian courts during Germany’s occupation of Norway from 1940 to 1945. During the Second World War, ‘cruel judges and magistrates’ also fulfilled their ‘duty’ in Norway, above all those from the ‘Reichskriegsgericht’, the highest military court in Nazi Germany, the SS and police court in Oslo, and various special tribunals and drumhead court martials. While Nazification affected almost the entire Norwegian legal system, not least through the Norwegian far-right party Nasjonal Samling, there were some protests among the judiciary. However, how can their relatively weak resistance be explained? How did they reconcile the National Socialist ethos with their understanding of their own occupation and their professional ethics? In this book, Hans Petter Graver now provides German-speaking readers with a fascinating insight into a time replete with moral issues.
Bibliographical data
Bibliographical data
Edition 1
ISBN 978-3-8487-5475-5
Subtitle Die deutsche Besatzung 1940-1945 und der norwegische Rechtsstaat
Publication Date Oct 9, 2019
Year of Publication 2019
Publisher Nomos
Format Hardcover
Language deutsch
Pages 338
Medium Book
Product Type Scientific literature
»Durch die Lektüre der gut lesbaren und flüssig übersetzten Monografie dürften sich für viele Leser neuer Erkenntnisse über einen Schauplatz des Zweiten Weltkrieges ergeben, der vergleichsweise selten in den Mittelpunkt von Betrachtungen über die NS-Zeit gerückt wird. Die überzeugende Gesamtdarstellung vermittelt einen deutlichen Eindruck der Besatzungszeit. Zudem werden wichtige Protagonisten herausgehoben und vorgestellt. Die Lebensläufe geraten dabei nie zu lang, sondern erweisen sich stets als sinnvolle Ergänzung des Themas.«
Dr. Peter Kalmbach, ZFG 10/2021, 884

»Hans Petter Graver has written a very interesting book. The reader will learn much about the German occupation of Norway. He sheds new light on the complicated court system at the time and he shows to what extend this activity was later regarded as a war crime or not.«
Dag Michalsen, Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte 2021, 488

»Es bleibt zu hoffen, dass diese lesenswerte Studie nicht nur Juristen, sondern auch Historiker wahrnehmen werden.«
Dr. Maximilian Becker, H SOZ KULT 1/2021, 117

»offering international readers the opportunity to acquire knowledge on this interesting example of how the National Socialist occupying forces and collaborationist leaders aspired to instrumentalize local judicial procedure and the judiciary during the Second World War – and how judges reacted to this... Graver paints a detailed picture of various aspects of legal life and practice in occupied Norway. Der Krieg der Richter is a very interesting book. Therefore, this German translation is a welcome addition to the slowly growing corpus of academic knowledge on the attitude of European judges and other magistrates faced with National Socialist rule during the Second Word War and can provide more material for future comparative research on this subject.«
Jan Julia Zurné, Rechtsgeschichte 28/2020, 360-361
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