Die öffentlichen Förderbanken in Deutschland

Rechtliche Grundlagen, öffentlicher Auftrag und staatliche Absicherung, staatliche Einflussnahme und Kontrolle sowie bankaufsichtsrechtliche Vorgaben
Nomos, 1. Edition 2022, 479 Pages
ISBN 978-3-8487-7295-7
ISBN 978-3-7489-1311-5
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In recent years, public development banks have increasingly become the focus of legal policy, whether in the wake of the financial crisis or, more recently, in the wake of the Corona crisis. The work subjects the public development banks, which have so far been discussed in the legal literature at best in relation to individual issues, to a detailed legal examination, taking into account the various organizational forms and legal foundations as well as the special "business model", which is characterized by the public mandate, the state protection as well as a state influence and control. Finally, the paper deals with the application of banking supervision law to public development banks, taking into account this special business model.
This work was funded by the “Money and Currency” Foundation. In 2022 it was awarded the Heinz Ansmann Foundation Prize and in 2023 the Baker & McKenzie Prize.
Bibliographical data
Bibliographical data
Edition 1
ISBN 978-3-8487-7295-7
Subtitle Rechtliche Grundlagen, öffentlicher Auftrag und staatliche Absicherung, staatliche Einflussnahme und Kontrolle sowie bankaufsichtsrechtliche Vorgaben
Publication Date Jan 12, 2022
Year of Publication 2022
Publisher Nomos
Format Softcover
Language deutsch
Pages 479
Medium Book
Product Type Scientific literature
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