Die Sprache von Forschung und Lehre
Lenkung durch Konzepte der Ökonomie?
Published by
Prof. Dr. Ursula Münch,
Prof. Dr. Ralph Mocikat,
Prof. Dr. Siegfried Gehrmann,
Jörg Siegmund,
Nomos, 1. Edition 2020, 231 Pages
The product is part of the series
Tutzinger Studien zur Politik
International academic work teaches cultural tolerance, intellectual openness and curiosity in a particular way. It is undeniable that academia benefits from multilingual intercultural exchange. Nevertheless, as a lingua franca, English has dominated almost all strategically important areas of social thinking and behaviour for quite some time. Even in academia, other languages have disappeared from numerous disciplines. This unbalanced shift towards the English language may not only offer important opportunities, but could also pose considerable risks, among which are the limited acquisition of knowledge, reduced academic exchange, curtailed knowledge sharing in society and the promotion of purely market-oriented research interests. Against this background, this anthology addresses the question of whether and to what extent the growing dominance of business concepts in academia is related to the standardisation of academic expression and communication.
With contributions by
Pavo Barisic, Thomas Corsten, Hermann H. Dieter, Peter L. W. Finke, Siegfried Gehrmann, Hans Goebl, Christoph Koch, Thomas Loew, Ralph Mocikat, Gerhard Müller, Richard Münch, Olga Rösch, Eva Schlotheuber, Cornelia Schu, Johannes Singhammer, Ulrich Steinbach, Winfried Thielmann, Günter-Ulrich Tolkiehn, Jutta von Campenhausen.
With contributions by
Pavo Barisic, Thomas Corsten, Hermann H. Dieter, Peter L. W. Finke, Siegfried Gehrmann, Hans Goebl, Christoph Koch, Thomas Loew, Ralph Mocikat, Gerhard Müller, Richard Münch, Olga Rösch, Eva Schlotheuber, Cornelia Schu, Johannes Singhammer, Ulrich Steinbach, Winfried Thielmann, Günter-Ulrich Tolkiehn, Jutta von Campenhausen.
Bibliographical data
Edition | 1 |
ISBN | 978-3-8487-6111-1 |
Subtitle | Lenkung durch Konzepte der Ökonomie? |
Publication Date | Jul 8, 2020 |
Year of Publication | 2020 |
Publisher | Nomos |
Format | Softcover |
Language | deutsch |
Pages | 231 |
Medium | Book |
Product Type | Scientific literature |
»Das Buch ist ein greifbares Ergebnis der gleichnamigen Tagung aus dem Jahr 2018 an der Akademie für Politische Bildung in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Arbeitskreis Deutsch als Wissenschaftssprache und dem Zentrum für europäische politische Bildung Zagreb.«
Holger Klatte, Sprachnachrichten 88/2020, 33
Holger Klatte, Sprachnachrichten 88/2020, 33
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