E-Sport Training
Lehrbuch für Trainerinnen und Trainer
Published by
Markus Möckel
Academia, 1. Edition 2021, 376 Pages
As a worldwide first, the textbook E-Sport Training offers a comprehensive introduction to the entire training context in e-sports, from the sports psychology basics to training approaches for children, adolescents and adults to the most important training and methodological skills.
For trainers in e-sports, the book serves as an indispensable basis for a structured training design.
With its concrete recommendations for action, it is a must-have for all those who deal with training in e-sports.
Markus Möckel as head of the ESBD Academy in the eSport-Bund Deutschland e.V. sets an important milestone with this textbook for a sustainable training design in e-sports.
With contributions by
Katharina Ahlers, Kristin Banse, Jan Dreier, Martin Fischer, Stefan Ganten, Marc Helbig, Daniel Illy, Sascha Ketelhut, Jan Köhler, Claudia Kubica, Julian Lagemann, Miriam Langeleh, Thorsten Loch, Marius Loewe, Anna Lisa Martin-Niedecken, Markus Möckel, Martin Müller, Christian Neumeister, Claudio R. Nigg, Ismael Alfonso Pedraza-Ramirez, Christian Reinhardt, Marius Schäffler, Anja Schillhaneck, René Spanier, Lorenzo von Petersdorff, Matthew Watson, Kevin Westphal, Kati Wiedenbrüg and Jens Wortmann.
For trainers in e-sports, the book serves as an indispensable basis for a structured training design.
With its concrete recommendations for action, it is a must-have for all those who deal with training in e-sports.
Markus Möckel as head of the ESBD Academy in the eSport-Bund Deutschland e.V. sets an important milestone with this textbook for a sustainable training design in e-sports.
With contributions by
Katharina Ahlers, Kristin Banse, Jan Dreier, Martin Fischer, Stefan Ganten, Marc Helbig, Daniel Illy, Sascha Ketelhut, Jan Köhler, Claudia Kubica, Julian Lagemann, Miriam Langeleh, Thorsten Loch, Marius Loewe, Anna Lisa Martin-Niedecken, Markus Möckel, Martin Müller, Christian Neumeister, Claudio R. Nigg, Ismael Alfonso Pedraza-Ramirez, Christian Reinhardt, Marius Schäffler, Anja Schillhaneck, René Spanier, Lorenzo von Petersdorff, Matthew Watson, Kevin Westphal, Kati Wiedenbrüg and Jens Wortmann.
Bibliographical data
Edition | 1 |
ISBN | 978-3-89665-960-6 |
Subtitle | Lehrbuch für Trainerinnen und Trainer |
Publication Date | Jul 5, 2021 |
Year of Publication | 2021 |
Publisher | Academia |
Format | Softcover |
Language | deutsch |
Pages | 376 |
Medium | Book |
Product Type | Textbook |
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