Entgrenzungsprozesse in Arbeitsmärkten durch transnationale Arbeitsmigration

Nomos, 1. Edition 2018, 275 Pages
ISBN 978-3-8487-4920-1
ISBN 978-3-8452-9133-8
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How can an age of transnationalism and internationalism simultaneously be an age of nationalism and nation states? Using the historical sociology of migration, this book attempts to find a way of understanding this question. One answer can be found in institutional structures and sociopolitical processes in the US in the nineteenth century as well as in present-day European migratory phenomena. In both periods, individuals and states were and are confronted with the problems between transnationalism and national statehood. The integrative mechanism of the nation state provides a way of explaining the peculiar parallelism of globalisation and national statehood in the context of migration. With its welfare state institutions, the nation state reacts to the disintegrative consequences and risks of transnational social structures marked by migration.
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Edition 1
ISBN 978-3-8487-4920-1
Subtitle World Polity und Nationalstaat im 19. Jahrhundert und heute
Publication Date Jun 21, 2018
Year of Publication 2018
Publisher Nomos
Format Softcover
Language deutsch
Pages 275
Medium Book
Product Type Scientific literature
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