Erziehung durch Jugendschöffen?

Nomos, 1. Edition 2016, 384 Pages
ISBN 978-3-8487-3134-3
ISBN 978-3-8452-7502-4
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At the point in time, when the examination was carried out, there were 12,000 lay judges in juvenile courts and 700 judges of a juvenile court nationwide. The dimension and the relation of these numbers illustrate, that the lay judges of a juvenile court are important protagonists of a juvenile court's lawsuit. Nevertheless there is almost no information about them. This state experiences a fundamental change through this examination. By surveying simultaneously both lay judges and professional judges of juvenile courts this examination furthermore offers a straight comparison of self-assessment and external assessment. All of this can be conducted due to an extraordinary rate of return on a reliable empirical basis. In this way the practice of justice and the judiciary administrations of the federal states can be provided with important information about the role, the position, and the communication of lay judges in juvenile courts as well as with information about their cooperation with the professional judges of juvenile courts. At the same time available possibilities of improvement for a better utilization of the potential of a lay judge in a juvenile court are presented and concluding this examination suitable solutions are provided.
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Edition 1
ISBN 978-3-8487-3134-3
Subtitle Eine empirische Untersuchung zur Funktion und Stellung der Jugendschöffen im Jugendgerichtsverfahren
Publication Date Jul 26, 2016
Year of Publication 2016
Publisher Nomos
Format Softcover
Language deutsch
Pages 384
Review »Zum Wohl der betroffenen Jugendlichen, aber auch aller weiteren Beteiligten ist zu hoffen, dass die Erkenntnisse und Forderungen dieser Publikation Eingang in die Praxis finden werden.«
Stephanie Poensgen, Bewährungshilfe 2/2018, 206

»Die Schrift kann allen an der Jugendgerichtsbarkeit theoretisch oder praktisch Interessierten sowie an deren Fortentwicklung Mitwirkenden wichtige Erkenntnisse und Anregungen vermitteln.«
Arthur Kreuzer, NK 2017, 345-346
Medium Book
Product Type Scientific literature
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