Gemeinsame Werte in Europa?
Stärken und Schwächen im normativen Selbstverständnis der Europäischen Integration
Published by
Prof. Dr. Peter Nitschke
Nomos, 1. Edition 2019, 178 Pages
The essays collected in this book are the results of an international and interdisciplinary conference which addressed the topic of shared perspectives in common values and which focused on an obviously very difficult question: Bearing different mechanisms, such as financial transfers and the logic of institutions, in mind, what is the basic cultural link in the values of European integration? The tremors and disintegrative effects the EU has been experiencing for quite some time are not least the result of a shift in its perspective that the idea of the common values of a European society being able to act as a civilising force is either a) non-existent or b) underdeveloped in many of its Member States, or c) has even been strongly rejected by some of them.
With contributions by
Meral Avci, Hermann-Josef Blanke, Sebastian Raphael Bunse, Ladislav Cabada, Michael Gehler, Barbara Henry, Peter Nitschke.
With contributions by
Meral Avci, Hermann-Josef Blanke, Sebastian Raphael Bunse, Ladislav Cabada, Michael Gehler, Barbara Henry, Peter Nitschke.
Bibliographical data
Edition | 1 |
ISBN | 978-3-8487-4950-8 |
Subtitle | Stärken und Schwächen im normativen Selbstverständnis der Europäischen Integration |
Publication Date | Apr 29, 2019 |
Year of Publication | 2019 |
Publisher | Nomos |
Format | Softcover |
Language | deutsch |
Pages | 178 |
Medium | Book |
Product Type | Scientific literature |
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