Guji Oromo Culture in Southern Ethiopia

Religious Capabilities in Rituals and Songs
Academia, 1. Edition 1991, 376 Pages
The product is part of the series Collectanea Instituti Anthropos
ISBN 978-3-88345-391-0
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The Guji, a subgroup of the Oromo pastoralists, are located in the highlands of Central Sidamo. They consider their own homeland to be the very ancestral cradle of Oromo culture. Only the Borana and Guji seem to have kept alive the splendid Gada age-group system. Its initiation ceremonies and the abundant lore which accompanies them, particularly as expressed in the Gada songs, are described and analyzed in the present work. The study of rituals and songs related to kinship, marriage, birth, and funerals is complemented by an insightful portrayal of the practical side of daily life in work on the homestead, cattle breeding, beer brewing, crop cultivation, food preparation, and so on. This description sets the scene for a more thematic analysis of the core religious and ethical concepts related to nagea, 'peace, and ayaana, 'divine grace or manifestation of Waaqa-deit's generative power in both man and generative forces in the world. The analysis of the calendar, feasts, and oracular practices reveals the great extent to which time, with ist favourable and ominious moments or days, discloses ayaana and regulates Guji activities.
Bibliographical data
Bibliographical data
Edition 1
ISBN 978-3-88345-391-0
Subtitle Religious Capabilities in Rituals and Songs
Publication Date Jun 30, 1991
Year of Publication 1991
Publisher Academia
Format Softcover
Language englisch
Pages 376
Medium Book
Product Type Scientific literature
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