Handelsembargen der Europäischen Union auf dem Gebiet des Warenverkehrs gegenüber Drittstaaten

Nomos, 1. Edition 1997, 252 Pages
The product is part of the series Saarbrücker Studien zum Internationalen Recht
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ISBN 978-3-7890-5166-1
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The imposition of trade embargoes on third countries by the EU or its individual members states throws up numerous problems in law such as, and above all else, competence and the legality of such measures under international law. After analysing the situation in law and jurisprudence concerning sanctions in existence before the Treaty of European Union came into effect, Madam Garçon deals at length with the scope in law offered by, for example, the new Article 228 a of the Treaty of Maastricht. A range of alternatives which also apply, such as Article 113 of the EC Treaty, have likewise been netted by the survey in the guise of embargo measures by individual member states under enabling legislation, such as Article 223 Ib and Article 224 of the EC Treaty. A final discussion of the legality, under international law, of trade embargoes vis-à-vis third countries with the emphasis on any possible justification for the violation of existing treaties, rounds off the study. The work is intended for scientists, politicians and multinationals. n published in german
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Edition 1
ISBN 978-3-7890-5166-1
Subtitle Im Lichte der Änderungen durch den Maastrichter Vertrag und des Völkerrechts
Publication Date Dec 22, 1997
Year of Publication 1997
Publisher Nomos
Format Softcover
Language deutsch
Pages 252
Medium Book
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