Identität, Orientierung und Lebenswelt

ISBN 978-3-8487-5185-3
ISBN 978-3-8452-9380-6
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Privacy is closely related to idproduct and communication. This volume explores this connection offline in everyday life and especially on social media. The author provides a multidimensional theory of courses of action that can be taken, and illustrates its benefits by combining three empirical sub-studies. It reveals different concepts of privacy and certain courses of action related to them in terms of self-presentation and communication on social networking sites. Additionally, it explores the motivations and attitudes of non-social media users, focusing in particular on the relevance and usage of photographs both offline and online. To gain a deeper insight and to illustrate the benefits of the multilevel perspective pursued here, a study was conducted which combines data from a quantitative questionnaire, qualitative interviews, the sorting and evaluating of photographs, and a content analysis of social networking sites.
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Edition 1
ISBN 978-3-8487-5185-3
Subtitle Ein mehrdimensionaler Blick auf situatives Aushandeln von Privatheit im Social Web
Publication Date Jul 20, 2018
Year of Publication 2018
Publisher Nomos
Format Softcover
Language deutsch
Pages 514
»Die sprachliche Gewandtheit von Trültzsch-Wijnen ist beeindruckend.»
Dr. Tobias Dienlin, M&K 4/2019, 463

»theoretisch als auch methodisch anspruchsvoll... sehr gut lesbar... für Anschlussstudien anregend und wegweisend.»
Prof. Dr. Dagmar Hoffmann, Publizistik 18.09.2019
Medium Book
Product Type Scientific literature
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