Jahrbuch des Föderalismus 2019

Nomos, 1. Edition 2019, 455 Pages
The product is part of the series Jahrbuch des Föderalismus
ISBN 978-3-8487-6007-7
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As with its previous editions, the 20th edition of this yearbook has been conceived as a wide-ranging compendium that provides its readers with an up-to-date overview of different aspects of federal and regional structures and politics. The 30 contributions it contains can be grouped according to the following main topics:
  • Nine contributions (including one by the chief minister of Baden-Württemburg, Winfried Kretschmann) address the book’s principal subject: 70 years of federalism in Germany.
  • Four of them deal with current areas of research into federalism (including federal reform in Switzerland).
  • Four of them examine issues related to German federalism (including the phasing out of fossil fuels and the promotion of digitalisation in schools).
  • There are eight reports on European countries (including Italy, Austria and the UK).
  • There is one report on a non-European country (Pakistan).
  • Two of the contributions examine regional and municipal cooperation in Europe (including cooperation between communities on different sides of a national border).
  • Two of them address the European Union/European integration (including the European Committee of the Regions). With contributions by Winfried Kretschmann, Rudolf Hrbek, Ursula Münch, Arthur Benz, Albert Funk, Wolfgang Renzsch, Klaus Detterbeck, Thomas Petersen, Martin Große Hüttmann, Patrick Finke, Markus M. Müller, Antonios Souris, Roland Sturm, Gabriele Abels, Tobias Arnold, Alexander Arens, Sean Mueller, Adrian Vatter, Sabine Riedel, Tobias Haas, Konrad Gürtler, Henrik Scheller, Hendrik Träger, Peter Becker, Patricia Popelier, Jens Woelk, Andreas Stöckli, Jannis Kompsopoulos, Carolin Zwilling, Elisabeth Alber, Peter Bußjäger, Christoph Schramek, Daniel Lemmer, Simon Meisch, Saeed Ahmed Rid, Michael Gerner, Greta Klotz, Otto Schmuck, Horst Förster
  • More Information
    More Information
    Edition 1
    ISBN 978-3-8487-6007-7
    Subtitle Föderalismus, Subsidiarität und Regionen in Europa
    Publication Date Oct 22, 2019
    Year of Publication 2019
    Publisher Nomos
    Format Hardcover
    Language deutsch
    Pages 455
    »eine Fundgrube der vertieften Betrachtung aktueller föderaler Fragestellungen, die zur Lektüre sehr zu empfehlen ist.«
    Prof. Dr. Hans-Günter Henneke, Der Landkreis 12/2019, 8
    Medium Book
    Product Type Scientific literature
    Book Service
    Additional Material
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