Jahrbuch des Föderalismus 2020

Nomos, 1. Edition 2020, 443 Pages
The product is part of the series Jahrbuch des Föderalismus
ISBN 978-3-7489-1081-7
ISBN 978-3-8487-7020-5
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Like its predecessors, the 21st issue of the ‘Yearbook on Federalism’ is conceived as a wide-ranging compendium, which offers its readers an up-to-date overview of various aspects of federal and regional structures and politics. The 28 contributions it contains are divided among its main sections as follows:
  • Ten contributions on the issue’s main topic: ‘constitutional courts and their impact on federal units’ (among others, by the president of the German Constitutional Court, Hans-Jürgen Papier)
  • Three contributions on current research into federalism (such as the dynamics of the party systems in Germany’s federal states)
  • Four contributions on German federalism (such as federal handling of the coronavirus crisis)
  • Six reports from European countries (such as Italy, Turkey and the UK)
  • A report from a country outside Europe (Argentina)
  • Two contributions on regional and municipal cooperation in Europe (such as the Aachen Treaty)
  • Two contributions on the EU and European integration (on EU structural funding, among others) With contributions by Elisabeth Alber, Hans Alexy, Peter Becker, Anna-Lena Beilschmidt-Pilz, Florian Bergamin, Peter Bußjäger, Sedef Cankoçak, Mathias Eller, Annegret Eppler, Alexander Gorskiy, Martin Große Hüttmann, Gregor Halmes, Antonio María Hernández, Everhard Holtmann, Andreas Kiefer, John Kincaid, Mario Kölling, Simon Meisch, Jürgen Mittag, Ursula Münch, Martin Nettesheim, Matteo Nicolini, Hans-Jürgen Papier, Patricia Popelier, Werner Reutter, Sabine Schäufler, Henrik Scheller, Nicolas Schmitt, Christoph Schramek, Stefan Seidendorf, Roland Sturm, Funda Tekin, Hendrik Träger, Erik Vollmann, Georg Weinmann and Carolin Zwilling.
  • More Information
    More Information
    Edition 1
    ISBN 978-3-8487-7020-5
    Subtitle Föderalismus, Subsidiarität und Regionen in Europa
    Publication Date Sep 29, 2020
    Year of Publication 2020
    Publisher Nomos
    Format Hardcover
    Language deutsch
    Pages 443
    Review »»sehr bewährte[s] Jahrbuch... Der Sammelband liefert durch seinen historischen und politik-theoretischen Zugang zum Thema Föderalismus viele neue und interessante Einsichten und willkommene Anknüpfungspunkte für die künftige wissenschaftliche Beschäftigung, aber auch für die politischen Debatten – dies gilt nicht zuletzt für die Reformdiskussionen und Ideen zur Weiterentwicklung der Europäischen Union.«
    Prof. Dr. Hans-Günter Henneke, Der Landkreis 12/2020, 812
    Medium Book
    Product Type Scientific literature
    Book Service
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