Konflikt und Ordnung in der globalen Kommunikation

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ISBN 978-3-7890-4983-5
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“Global communication alliances” strive for worldwide business activities. The inconsistencies between territorial sovereignty and the global marketplace lead to the consideration of the legal order for international economic relations. Such an order should pacify governmental power politics and promote a safer international business environment. The book examines existing elements of an international framework of ordering principles in the U.S. and E.U. communications law but also pertaining to trade in services, international direct investment and a "world competition order". Specific regulatory and antitrust cases pertaining to the formation of global alliances are scrutinized. The author has led as Executive Vice President the International Business Development Division of a major telecommunications enterprise and is now teaching international economic-, European- and telecommunications law at Freiburg University/Germany and at the College of Europe/Brugge. n in German
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Edition 1
ISBN 978-3-7890-4983-5
Subtitle Wettstreit der Staaten und Wettbewerb der Unternehmen
Publication Date Nov 10, 1997
Year of Publication 1997
Publisher Nomos
Format Hardcover
Language deutsch
Pages 307
Medium Book
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