Kreativität und Bewegung
Grundlagen kreativer Bewegungserziehung und empirische Befunde
Academia, 1. Edition 2000, 304 Pages
The product is part of the series
Schriften der Deutschen Sporthochschule Köln
Based on educational and psychological reflections about creativity and movement as well as an analysis of the conceptions of 'Psychomotorik', 'Ästhetische Erziehung' and 'Künstlerisch-pädagogische Erziehung' didactical and methodological foundations of a creative movement education in primary school are developped. The teaching concept is extended by the analysis of movement theatre. An evaluation of experimental an control groups (N=261) shows positive effects after a three months instruction in the tested fields of idproduct, creativity and motor coordination.
Bibliographical data
Edition | 1 |
ISBN | 978-3-89665-160-0 |
Subtitle | Grundlagen kreativer Bewegungserziehung und empirische Befunde |
Publication Date | Jun 30, 2000 |
Year of Publication | 2000 |
Publisher | Academia |
Format | Softcover |
Language | deutsch |
Pages | 304 |
Medium | Book |
Product Type | Scientific literature |
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