Mainstreaming Conflict Prevention

Nomos, 1. Edition 2002, 274 Pages
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ISBN 978-3-7890-7730-2
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With its theme "Mainstreaming Conflict Prevention” the fourth edition of the CPN Yearbooks explores a new field of action which is increasingly gaining ground in research and policy communities within the EU and beyond. The volume addresses the experiences of different actors in building in conflict prevention into their own policy, and focuses on developments within governments, multilateral organisations, NGOs as well as the corporate sector. What has been achieved so far in the process of systematically incorporating conflict prevention into policies? What are the requirements for a successful "culture of prevention”? These questions are addressed in the first part of the yearbook; the second part offers a selection of SWP-CPN products including a reassessment of conflicts in the Caucasus, a study on Central Asia contributed to a CPN workshop at the European Commission, a briefing study on rule of law, and an evaluation of missed opportunities of conflict prevention in Kosovo. The eleven chapters were contributed by academics and practitioners from across Europe and Canada. They are relevant for policy-makers as well as analysts and advocates of conflict prevention.
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Edition 1
ISBN 978-3-7890-7730-2
Subtitle Concept and Practice
Publication Date Jan 22, 2002
Year of Publication 2002
Publisher Nomos
Format Softcover
Language englisch
Pages 274
Medium Book
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