New Aspects of Sport History

Proceedings of the 9th ISHPES Congress, Cologne, Germany
Academia, 1. Edition 2005, 480 Pages
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ISBN 978-3-89665-395-6
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More than 200 scholars from 35 countries dealt with New Aspects of Sport History.

Seen within the context of globalisation and worldwide ideological conflict, the technological development and political and economic changes of the past two decades have had a significant impact on the area of Sport and Physical Education. New challenges have emerged for Sports Science, in general, and for Sport History, in particular.
The 9th ISHPES Congress focused on innovative trends as well as on new research and dissemination methodologies, new paradigms and fields of interest. It aimed to underline the relevance of Sport History for the future development of sport and its essential role in intercultural dialogue.

This volume 13/1 of the ISHPES-Studies contains 66 papers. They give an interesting insight into almost all the congress sessions, for example: Minorities and National Idproduct, Eastern Europe: Sport in the Transition of the Growing European Community, Biographies, Significance of Sports Museums and Methodological Approaches.
In volume 13/2 'The Olympic Lectures' the ISOH publishes all 28 presentations of the conference proceedings on Olympic issues.
There is a special price of 54,00 Euro for volume 13 containing volume 13/1 and 13/2.

1. Greek Antiquity: Evangelos Albanidis: The Admission of 'Barbarians' to Greek Gymnasia during the Hellenistic and Roman Periods œ Sotiris G. Giatsis: How did Byzantine Authors approach Sport? œ István Kertész: The Development of Connections between the Macedonian Royal House and Olympia. From Alexander I to Philip II
2. Sport History, Minorities and National Idproduct: Evelyne Combeau-Mari: 'Histoire du sport et identité locale'. Histoire du sport et histoire coloniale en France œ Tony Froissart: 'Jeux du Val-d'Oise' et stratégies d'identité locale 1972-2005 œ Gigliola Gori: Culture of the Body, Sporting Traditions and Local Idproduct in Urbino œ Haim Kaufman: Israeli Sports - From National Pride to Political Hostility œ Kevin B. Wamsley, Michael K. Heine: Fair Game: Indigenous Peoples and the Physical Culture Exhibits of World Expositions œ Uri Yaron, Jacov Sobovitz: Haifa and its Contribution to the Maccabiah Games: The Creation of Society
3. Sport in European History: Lorenz Peiffer: Kontinuität und Diskontinuität: Richtlinien für Leibeserziehung in deutschen Jungenschulen 1937 œ Vesa Vares: The National Side of Finnish Sport and the Finnish-German Sport Relations during the 1930s œ Serge Vaucelle Une histoire des jeux d'exercice pour 'un autre Moyen Âge'? œ Marek Waic: Die Beziehungen zwischen tschechischen und deutschen Ruderern in den böhmischen Ländern und in der Tschechoslowakei als Widerspiegelung nationaler Aspirationen
4. Gymnastics, Sport and Politics: André Gounot: Le projet de recherche 'Manifestations sportives - mises en scène politiques' et la perspective comparative œ Denis Jallat: Les régates du Cercle de voile de Paris à la fin du 19ème siècle: une organisation au service d'enjeux politiques de classe. Essai de comparaison entre la France et l'Angleterre œ Tokuro Yamamoto: Jahns 'Turnen' und GutsMuths' 'Gymnastik': Unterschiede und Bedeutung
5. Biographies: Alar Lipping: Lillian D. Wald: Social Settlement Workers and Public Recreation Reform of the Urban Frontier œ Jan C. Rode: New Aspects of Sport History - Introducing the Biography of Willi Daume œ Patricia Vertinsky: Tasting the Apples from Hitler's Tree: Comparing the Impact of Kurt Hahn and Rudolf Laban
6. Eastern Europe: Sport in Transition in the Growing European Community: Tomasz Jurek: Sport und nationale Minderheiten in Polen vor 1939 œ Ewa Kalamacka: The Health and Hygienic Aspects of Physical Education as seen by Polish Physicians (until 1914). Their Importance for Teacher Training œ Daimar Lell: Sport - Unifier of a Tiny Nation. The Estonian Example œ Bernard Woltmann: Polnische Sportorganisationen in Deutschland (1889-1939)
7. The Significance of Sports Museums: Martin Ehlers: Sicherung und Erschließung von sporthistorischen Quellen in Baden-Württemberg œ Roland Renson: Sportimonium: The Statics and Dynamics of the Sports Museum Flanders œ Hans Stollenwerk: Visitors to the German Sports and Olympic Museum. Results of a Survey œ Kalle Voolaid: Improved Possibilities. Essential Changes at the Estonian Sports Museum
8. Individual and Team Sports: Lars Friese: The Genesis and Genealogy of the Game of Volleyball · Haimo Groenen: Une histoire culturelle et comparée des méthodes d'entraînement de judo en France et en Belgique: intérêts et limites · Joo-Hwa Kim: An Historical Study on the Globalisation of Taekwondo and the Prospects of the Taekwondo Park · Simon Martin: Fascists, Miracles and a Laughing Cavalier. The Politicisation of Football and the Football-isation of Politics in 20th Century Italy · Vianney Mascret: Pratique compétitive et activités de loisirs: des relations ambiguës. L'exemple de la nage avec palmes · Hideaki Ôkubo: Sportaktivitäten im alten Oberschulsystem Japans. Das Leben im J-dô-Club im Spiegel von Übungstagebüchern · Frédéric Savre, Jean Saint-Martin, Thierry Terret: Le Vélo Tout Terrain: une invention californienne des années 1970 · Pierre-Olaf Schut: Les limites de la sportivisation. Le cas de la spéléologie · David Terry: Early Football in England 11th-16th Centuries: A Social Appraisal · Uwe Wick: FIFA Fussball-Weltmeisterschaft 2006: Das Ruhrgebiet als Fußballregion - ein lokales und regionales Ausstellungsprojekt zur Identitätsstiftung durch Fußball
9. Sport, War and Religion: Heiko Bittmann: Über den respektvollen Gruß (rei) in den japanischen Kampfkünsten · Yuan-Min Hsu: Choices under the Flames of War: The Teaching of Military Drill Materials in Schools during the Early 20th Century · Chin-Fang Kuo: To Promote Physical Education or Religion? An Accidental History of the YMCA in China · Miroslaw Ponczek, Adam Fryc: The Attitude of the Roman Catholic Church towards Sport and Tourism at the Turn of the 20th Century · Wei-Chin Tai: The Intimate Ties between the Imperial Chinese Military Service Examination and Martial Arts, and the effects on Modern Physical Education · Floris J.G. van der Merwe: Decisive Factors Influencing the Occurrence of Sports and Games in the Concentration Camps during the Anglo-Boer War, 1899-1902
10. Gender Aspects: Annette Hofmann, Alexandra Preuß: Female Eagles of the Air: Developments in Women's Ski-Jumping · Henri Humbert, Thierry Terret: Masculinité et violence Sportives. Un panorama de la presse française (1890-1970) · Leena Laine: Women Gymnasts as Civil Actors: Experiences in the History of a Women's Gymnastics Society · Gerd von der Lippe: Female Ski-Jumpers in Norway: Against Nature · Enn Mainla: Ernst Idla's Women's Gymnastics. Estonian Herald in the World · Fred Mason, Kevin B. Wamsley: The Serving Sportsman and the Sporting Soldier: War-Time Masculinities in the Canadian Press
11. Sport, Images, Film and Music: Hans-Dieter Krebs: Johann Heinrich Schmelzer - der erste 'Sportkomponist'? · Aino Sarje: Photographs of Gymnastics and other Sports as Valuable Documents in Sport History Research: Neglected Considerations · Christian Vivier, Jean-François Loudcher: Utilisation de la représentation picturale en histoire du sport: quelques images de combats de boxe historiques comme exemples
12. New Perspectives: Ethics, Fair Play, Globalisation: Ask Vest Christiansen: Doping, Fair Play and the Dilemmas of Government Sponsored Sports Institutions · Russell Field: Overlooked Participants: Spectators in Early 20th Century Commercial Sport · Gertrud Pfister: Watching Sport - A Universal Phenomenon? · Vladimir Rodichenko, Alexander Kontanistov: A National Model of a Fair Play Movement: The Russian Example
13. Methodological Approaches: Lutz Eichenberger: Unterricht in Sportgeschichte in der deutschen Schweiz seit 1922 · Dzintra Grundmane: The Student Course Paper as an Improvement of Research Experience · Piotr Godlewski: The Heterogeneous Nature of the History of Sport. A Look from the East · Laurence Munoz: L'association sportive et son histoire · Kai Reinhart: Informelle Sport-Szenen in der DDR - Schlaglichter aus einer empirischen Studie und ihre Analyse mit Hilfe der Theorie Michel Foucaults · Claus Tiedemann: Was ist der Gegenstand der Sportwissenschaft?
14. Belated Papers from the ISHPES Congress in Urbino: Tomasz Jurek: Leibeserziehung und Sport der deutschen Minderheit in Polen vor 1939 · István Kertész: The Integrating Role of Sport in the Hellenistic World
Bibliographical data
Bibliographical data
Edition 1
ISBN 978-3-89665-395-6
Subtitle Proceedings of the 9th ISHPES Congress, Cologne, Germany
Publication Date Aug 15, 2005
Year of Publication 2005
Publisher Academia
Format Softcover
Language englisch
Pages 480
Medium Book
Product Type Scientific literature
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