
Entwicklung einer Typologie und controllingbasierte Ergebnisindikation erfolgreicher Logistik-Konfigurationen von Omni-Channel-Einzelhändlern
Hampp, 1. Edition 2023, 375 Pages
ISBN 978-3-98542-059-9
ISBN 978-3-95710-435-9
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This study provides theoretically sound and practically applicable guidelines for the situation-appropriate and success-oriented design of omni-channel-logistics (=OCL), which the author develops by deriving logistical design elements and their situational influencing factors and by linking them in the form of a conceptual framework consisting of four ideal types of OCL. Methodologically, the study is primarily based on the extensive qualitative analysis of existing research findings. The relevance and application of the framework are illustrated through an analysis of a real case. The author has been active in retail and supply chain management for several years.
Bibliographical data
Bibliographical data
Edition 1
ISBN 978-3-98542-059-9
Subtitle Entwicklung einer Typologie und controllingbasierte Ergebnisindikation erfolgreicher Logistik-Konfigurationen von Omni-Channel-Einzelhändlern
Publication Date Dec 14, 2023
Year of Publication 2023
Publisher Hampp
Format Softcover
Language deutsch
Pages 375
Medium Book
Product Type Scientific literature
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