Otto Kirchheimer - Gesammelte Schriften
Band 4: Politische Justiz und Wandel der Rechtsstaatlichkeit
Published by
Lisa Klingsporn,
Merete Peetz,
Prof. Ph.D. Christiane Wilke
Nomos, 1. Edition 2019, 940 Pages
The product is part of the series
Otto Kirchheimer – Gesammelte Schriften
All of Otto Kirchheimer’s (1905–1965) important works which conduct a historical and comparative analysis of political justice and change to the rule of law are collated in this the fourth of the six-volume edition of his collected works. It contains a revised new edition of his major work ‘Politische Justiz: Verwendung juristischer Verfahrensmöglichkeiten zu politischen Zwecken’ (Political Justice: The Use of Legal Procedures for Political Purposes), translated by Arkadij R. L. Gurland. The volume also contains various thematically relevant essays, as well as reviews and journalistic contributions. In addition, it includes a transcript of Kirchheimer’s appearance before a committee of the US House of Representatives on the human rights situation in the GDR, which until now has been difficult to access. The volume begins with a detailed depiction of the history of ‘Politische Justiz’ and its background in terms of Kirchheimer’s works.
This book will appeal all those interested in political science, law, contemporary history, criminology and sociology.
This book will appeal all those interested in political science, law, contemporary history, criminology and sociology.
Bibliographical data
Edition | 1 |
ISBN | 978-3-8487-4734-4 |
Subtitle | Band 4: Politische Justiz und Wandel der Rechtsstaatlichkeit |
Publication Date | Dec 18, 2019 |
Year of Publication | 2019 |
Publisher | Nomos |
Format | Hardcover |
Language | deutsch |
Pages | 940 |
Medium | Book |
Product Type | Scientific literature |
»In dem hervorragend eingeleiteten und kommentierten vierten Band der von Hubertus Buchstein auf den Weg gebrachten Kirchheimer-Edition wird die »Politische Justiz« in einer revidierten Übersetzung vorgelegt... Mögen auch nicht alle Bücher ihre Zeit haben – manchen aber gelingt es, gleichsam zeitlos zu werden. Kirchheimers opus magnum gehört dazu.«
Peter Steinbach, ZfP 1/2021, 111-113
Peter Steinbach, ZfP 1/2021, 111-113
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