Pessimistischer Liberalismus

Published by Dr. Christina Kast
Nomos, 1. Edition 2021, 277 Pages
The product is part of the series Staatsverständnisse
ISBN 978-3-7489-0320-8
ISBN 978-3-8487-6204-0
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Arthur Schopenhauer's influence on philosophy, art and psychology is indisputable. His political thinking, on the other hand, has remained almost completely unnoticed and insignificant up to the present day. Yet, the ‘thinker against the tide’ (Hübscher) creates a remarkable connection between pessimistic philosophy and liberal thinking in the field of politics. Schopenhauer's sceptical account of humanity and existence leads him to a political philosophy that highlights the limits of politics and statehood, taking into account the unalterable depths of life and thereby providing a realistic view of the human condition. This volume’s aim is threefold: to rediscover Schopenhauer for political philosophy, to reflect on the potential of a pessimistic philosophy for questions relating to society, law and politics, and finally to examine the connection between pessimistic anthropology and liberal thinking. With contributions by Dieter Birnbacher, Jutta Georg, Oliver Hallich, Henrik Holm, Dominik Hotz, Per Jepsen, Christina Kast, Jan Kerkmann, Thorsten Lerchner, Manja Kisner, Gabriele Neuhäuser and Christoph Sebastian Widdau.
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Edition 1
ISBN 978-3-8487-6204-0
Subtitle Arthur Schopenhauers Staat
Publication Date ca. May 12, 2021
Year of Publication 2021
Publisher Nomos
Format Softcover
Language deutsch
Pages 277
Review »Das eingangs erwähnte Diktum Nietzsches an Paul Deussen, dass dieser keineswegs
über Schopenhauer lesen solle, kann mit Blick auf diesen äußerst interessanten Sammelband zur politischen Philosophie Arthur Schopenhauers getrost außer Acht gelassen werden.«
Stefan Ahrens, Die Tagespost 18.11.2021
Medium Book
Product Type Scientific literature
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