Platos Idee des Guten

Academia, 3. Edition 2015, 338 Pages
The product is part of the series Alber Philosophical Studies
ISBN 978-3-89665-666-7
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In the centre of the monograph lies a thorough interpretation and critique of Plato’s Idea of the Good in the Republic. The main thesis of the interpretation is: The Idea of the Good functions as a third item between and above thinking and being. The main purpose of the interpretation is to introduce, through the historical problem of the Idea of the Good, the systematic problem of the third item.
The second revised and enlarged edition proposes, on the basis of the simile of the line, a new reconstruction of Plato’s “so called unwritten doctrines” and discusses the resumption of the third item between and above thinking and being in Natorp’s “Ur-Point” and in Heidegger’s “Event”.
Bibliographical data
Bibliographical data
Edition 3
ISBN 978-3-89665-666-7
Publication Date Feb 15, 2015
Year of Publication 2015
Publisher Academia
Format Softcover
Language deutsch
Pages 338
Medium Book
Product Type Scientific literature
"Ferbers gedankenreiche Monographie lässt sich mit großem Gewinn studieren."
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

"Those scholars who share my prejudice that Plato's Form of the Good is an embarrassing intrusion into a sophisticated discussion of real philosophical issues will find Ferber's argument challenging - and ultimately heartening, The monograph is clearly written, and its level of scholarship and of philo-sophy is high." Phronesis

".. as a careful, thorough and coherent account of Plato's Form of the Good, his book would be hard to surpass". Classical Review

"On pourrait croire que rien de nouveau peut être dit sur l'Idée de Bien chez Platon, sujet maintes rebattu, mais détrompons nous. Cet ouvrage remar-quablement bien structuré, à l'argumentation claire et solide, d'une érudition nourrie aux grandes traditions de la philosophie allemande et anglo-saxonne ainsi qu'aux grandes écoles d'exégèse platonicienne con-temporaine, réussit à renouveler notre réflexion sur l'Idée de Bien chez Platon. La richesse et la densité de la pensée qui se déploie dans cet ouvrage rend d'autant plus difficile la tâche d'en résumer le contenu dans ces quelques pages." Dialogue
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