Populäre Musik zwischen Musik- und Medienwissenschaften
Rombach, 1. Edition 2024, 230 Pages
The product is part of the series
intro: Musikwissenschaft
Walkman and streaming, Milli Vanilli and Billie Eilish, phonographs and in-game concerts: close to its material and at the same time theoretically sophisticated, this study sees itself as a navigator in the broad research field of popular music studies. It looks back at the beginnings and concepts of this field and provides an overview of perspectives between music and media studies that are currently being discussed. Because popular music forms and practices in their production, dissemination and appropriation are inconceivable and unobservable without media, selected concepts, terms and methods from both disciplines are presented in the individual chapters and explored in greater depth in excursuses. The author has been working as a professor of music and media since 2005 and deals with the topics presented here in her research and teaching.
Bibliographical data
Edition | 1 |
ISBN | 978-3-96821-963-9 |
Publication Date | Oct 18, 2024 |
Year of Publication | 2024 |
Publisher | Rombach |
Format | Softcover |
Language | deutsch |
Pages | 230 |
Medium | Book |
Product Type | Textbook |
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