Reflexiv handlungsfähig

Entwicklungslinien und Ergebnisse der Lehrkräftebildung an der Leibniz Universität Hannover
Academia, 1. Edition 2023, 356 Pages
The product is part of the series Beiträge zur Pädagogik
ISBN 978-3-98572-125-2
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The volume documents the institutional, cross-phased and teaching and teacher training related reform initiatives of the project "Leibniz-Prinzip" funded by the „Qualitätsoffensive Lehrerbildung“. The variety of reform efforts in teacher education at Leibniz Universität Hannover is presented by means of three virulent requirement areas of university teacher education: 1. heterogeneity and diversity, 2. modern (digitally supported) teaching-learning formats, 3. practice phases and transfer. In orientation to the guiding principle of reflexive action, teaching and teaching concepts, research results as well as institutional developments are discussed and put into perspective.

With contributions by
Alena Beck | Tabea Becker | Andrea Bernholt | Anja Binanzer | Marcel Bonorden | Sarah Dannemann | Kathleen Ehrhardt | Sarah Fox | Monika E. Fuchs | Bettina Gautel | Julia Gillen | Sandra Günter | Benjamin Haag | Carolin Hagemeier | Robert Marten von der Heide | Gudrun Heuschen | Reinhard Hochmuth | Thomas N. Jambor | Felix Kappeller | Sarah Khellaf | Melanie Korn | Alexandra Krüger | Julia Labede | Bettina Lindmeier | Christiane Meyer | Stephanie Mittrach | Katharina Müller | Andreas Nehring | Tjark-Gerit Neugebauer | Helene Pachale | Johannes Paehr | Jutta Papenbrock | Andrea Rössler | Nina Rothenbusch | Alisa Schafferschik | Sascha Schanze | Claudia Schomaker | Heidi Seifert | Tabea Taulien | Sabine Vogelsang | Andreas Wernet | Rolf Werning | Ketevan Zhorzholiani-Metz
Bibliographical data
Bibliographical data
Edition 1
ISBN 978-3-98572-125-2
Subtitle Entwicklungslinien und Ergebnisse der Lehrkräftebildung an der Leibniz Universität Hannover
Publication Date Dec 21, 2023
Year of Publication 2023
Publisher Academia
Format Softcover
Language deutsch
Pages 356
Copyright Year 2023
Medium Book
Product Type Scientific literature
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