Schutz vor gefälschten Humanarzneimitteln im Binnenmarktrecht
Nomos, 1. Edition 2019, 530 Pages
The product is part of the series
Schriftenreihe Europäisches Recht, Politik und Wirtschaft
Falsified medicines are a current and worldwide problem, which is growing in urgency within the EU due to their high incidence. This work analyses the present protective measures against falsified human medicines in single market law.
The study narrows down the topic by defining falsified medicines and then by demonstrating the subject’s relevance through its background and effects. Applying the duty of protection theory, the work examines whether the EU and its member states have an obligation to protect against counterfeit medication. The criteria developed serve to evaluate the protective measures identified in EU law and in the laws of four representative member states (Germany, England, Italy and Hungary). Finally, considering the central position of the European safety features within the protection system of single market law, the study considers their design and lawfulness in more detail.
The study narrows down the topic by defining falsified medicines and then by demonstrating the subject’s relevance through its background and effects. Applying the duty of protection theory, the work examines whether the EU and its member states have an obligation to protect against counterfeit medication. The criteria developed serve to evaluate the protective measures identified in EU law and in the laws of four representative member states (Germany, England, Italy and Hungary). Finally, considering the central position of the European safety features within the protection system of single market law, the study considers their design and lawfulness in more detail.
Bibliographical data
Edition | 1 |
ISBN | 978-3-8487-5952-1 |
Publication Date | Jul 11, 2019 |
Year of Publication | 2019 |
Publisher | Nomos |
Format | Softcover |
Language | deutsch |
Pages | 530 |
Medium | Book |
Product Type | Scientific literature |
»Summa summarum handelt es sich um eine lesenswerte und für die weitere Debatte - auch in anderen Fälschungsbereichen - sehr strukturierte und tiefgegliederte, von hoher Wissenschaftlichkeit zeugende Arbeit. Die Synopse untermauert die Untersuchung ungemein und sorgt für einen Anschauungseffekt; sie ist für ein schnelles Nachschlagen sehr geeignet. Die Schrift ist für jede Beschäftigung mit der Fälschungen von Arzneimitteln aus regulatorischer und juristischer Sicht sowohl für Praktiker, Apotheker, Politiker als auch Juristen generell in den nächsten Jahren unverzichtbar.«
Dipl.-Jur. Jan-Martin W.T. Schneider, EuR 1/2020, 134
Dipl.-Jur. Jan-Martin W.T. Schneider, EuR 1/2020, 134
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