Sexueller Missbrauch Minderjähriger durch katholische Geistliche in Deutschland

Nomos, 1. Edition 2014, 289 Pages
ISBN 978-3-8452-5939-0
ISBN 978-3-8487-1874-0
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In this anthology, empirical findings on sexual abuse by Catholic clerics in Germany are presented for the first time. The results are based on data of two samples of victims and thereby provide in-depth knowledge about background, characteristics and consequences of sexual abuse within the Catholic Church: a quantitative questionnaire study and a qualitative interview study. The analyses of the quantitative survey emphasize the central characteristics of the abuse and their psychosocial effects on the victims. Additionally, reactions of the public authorities and the Catholic Church regarding the victims’ disclosure of the sexual abuse are taken into account. The qualitative research focusses on victims’ different biographical ways of handling the sexual abuse. Particularly the recourse to Catholic beliefs in dealing with the experienced sexual violence is revealed.
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Edition 1
ISBN 978-3-8487-1874-0
Publication Date Nov 5, 2014
Year of Publication 2014
Publisher Nomos
Format Softcover
Language deutsch
Pages 289
Review »Das Buch ist für alle Interessierten geeignet, die sich tiefer gehend  mit der Materie 'Sexueller Missbrauch durch kath. Geistliche' auseinandersetzen wollen, wobei es auch, was die Täterstrategien/Folgen für die Opfer/Mitwisser angeht, teilweise Parallelen zum sex. Missbrauch im nicht-kirchlichen Kontext gibt.«
LK-Blatt Niedersachsen 2/15
Medium Book
Product Type Scientific literature
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