Shortages of Labour and Skills

Insights and Evidence to Inform Strategies Relevant to Regional and Local Labour Markets and Labour Market Observatories
Nomos, 1. Edition 2024, 241 Pages
ISBN 978-3-7560-1884-0
ISBN 978-3-7489-4776-9
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Many regional and local labour markets across European countries are at present characterised by an increasingly high shortage of labour and skills which in many localities have become permanent. In line with this picture, a rising demand for labour and skills across existing sectors, and particularly in new and emerging jobs, is expected in the near future. There are many factors influencing this complex situation.
This volume of anthologycontributes to a better understanding of labour and skills shortage phenomena in the contemporary regional and local labour markets. More than 30 authors from different European countries and beyond discuss and offer insights on how to better understand labour and skills shortages and factors that influence them, and how to adequately measure the relevant labour market activities and demands in the context of changing demographics and other structual changes, as well as changes in societal and individual values.

With contributions by
Robert Messanh Amavi | Javier Armaolea Juaristi | Laurenz Baertsch | Moreno Baruffini | Marta Berroya del Cueto | Duncan Brown | Ernesto Dario Calò | Franz Clément | Gabrielle Climie | Emilio Colombo | Thomas Couppié | Renato Fontana | Céline Gasquet | Christina Gathmann | Dorit Griga | David Hancock | María Leonor Jalón del Río | Eva Jansova | Jenny Kipper | Lukas Kleine-Rueschkamp | Christa Larsen | Elena Magrini | Mattia Martini | Fabio Mercorio | Mario Mezzanzanica | Antonela Miho | Alessandra Motz | Francesca Nadalin | Francesca Parente | Mauro Pelucchi | Claudia Plaimauer | Daniel Porep | Arijana Radic | Ewa Rollnik-Sadowska | Matthias Schulze-Böing | Michel van Smoorenburg | Piotr Stronkowski | Francesco Trentini | Aleksandra Webb | Ludger Weller
Bibliographical data
Bibliographical data
Edition 1
ISBN 978-3-7560-1884-0
Subtitle Insights and Evidence to Inform Strategies Relevant to Regional and Local Labour Markets and Labour Market Observatories
Publication Date Aug 30, 2024
Year of Publication 2024
Publisher Nomos
Format Softcover
Language englisch
Pages 241
Medium Book
Product Type Scientific literature
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