Sportlich bleiben!

(Kampf-)Sport - unterschätzter Partner bei AD(H)S, Autismus, Lern- und Verhaltensschwierigkeiten
Academia, 1. Edition 2019, 153 Pages
The product is part of the series Academia Sport
ISBN 978-3-89665-742-8
ISBN 978-3-89665-752-7
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The martial arts - but also other sports with a similar teaching concept, e. g. dancing, gymnastics, athletics - improve the auditory, visual, tactile/haptic and spatial perception of children and adolescents by use of special exercises. Concentration spans expand, achievements can be felt again and learning disorders such as dyslexia or dyscalculia decrease. Especially students who are displaying problems in their academic performance and social behavior due to perceptual or partial performance disorders, AD(H)D or autism benefit from (combat) sport.

Illustrated group exercises for physical education and individual exercises at home make this book a practical tool, which also explains why affected people behave how they behave. In addition to useful addresses of various contact points, the former kickboxing world champion Andrea Schnell reports in an interview how she - a dyslexic herself - became successful as a martial artist.
Bibliographical data
Bibliographical data
Edition 1
ISBN 978-3-89665-742-8
Subtitle (Kampf-)Sport - unterschätzter Partner bei AD(H)S, Autismus, Lern- und Verhaltensschwierigkeiten
Publication Date Feb 27, 2019
Year of Publication 2019
Publisher Academia
Format Softcover
Language deutsch
Pages 153
Medium Book
Product Type Scientific literature
»hoch-interessantes Buch... vermittelt wertvolles, praxisbezogenes, wissenschaftliches Grundlagenmaterial und dient zudem als Handbuch für die sportliche Betätigung. Mit der Herausgabe dieses Werkes ist dem Academia-Verlag ein weiterer, sportlicher Volltreffer gelungen!«
Prof. Dr. Urs Scherrer, causa sport 2019, 359
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