Texts, Contexts, Intertexts
Studies in Honor of Orhan Pamuk
Published by
Prof. Dr. Julian Rentzsch,
Prof. Dr. Petr Kučera
Ergon, 1. Edition 2022, 488 Pages
The product is part of the series
Studien zur Turkologie und Orientalistik | Turkic and Oriental Studies
This volume contains eighteen academic contributions examining the work of Orhan Pamuk, one of the leading authors of contemporary Turkish literature. Scholars working in Turkey, Central and Northern Europe, and the USA discuss various issues of his fictional and non-fictional texts, such as narrative technique, his treatment of historical, social, political, and cultural phenomena, aspects of intertextuality and intermediality, questions of genre as well as the reception of his work in different societies. As the number of academic studies on Pamuk in English is still relatively limited, this book will provide an international readership with an academic interest in literature with new insights and approaches to his work.
With contributions by
Fatih Altuğ , Zeynep Arıkan Yılmaz, Gunvald Axner Ims, Esra Canpalat, Johanna Chovanec, Sylwia Filipowska, Erdağ Göknar, Sibel Irzık, Hasan Bulent Kahraman, Halim Kara, Piotr Kawulok, Erol Köroğlu, Petr Kučera, Aysel Özdilek, Julian Rentzsch, Monika Schmitz-Emans, Zeynep Tüfekçioğlu-Yanaşmayan, Zeynep Uysal and Simge Yılmaz.
With contributions by
Fatih Altuğ , Zeynep Arıkan Yılmaz, Gunvald Axner Ims, Esra Canpalat, Johanna Chovanec, Sylwia Filipowska, Erdağ Göknar, Sibel Irzık, Hasan Bulent Kahraman, Halim Kara, Piotr Kawulok, Erol Köroğlu, Petr Kučera, Aysel Özdilek, Julian Rentzsch, Monika Schmitz-Emans, Zeynep Tüfekçioğlu-Yanaşmayan, Zeynep Uysal and Simge Yılmaz.
Bibliographical data
Edition | 1 |
ISBN | 978-3-95650-973-5 |
Subtitle | Studies in Honor of Orhan Pamuk |
Publication Date | Dec 2, 2022 |
Year of Publication | 2022 |
Publisher | Ergon |
Format | Softcover |
Language | englisch |
Pages | 488 |
Medium | Book |
Product Type | Scientific literature |
Additional material
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