The Caribbean Basin Initiative (CBI) 1981-2005
From Reaganomics of Development to Free Trade
Nomos, 1. Edition 2012, 322 Pages
The product is part of the series
Historische Grundlagen der Moderne
The CBI was a stepping stone for North American economic integration and a turning point for US trade policy. When Ronald Reagan started this trade and development initiative for the Caribbean Basin in 1981, it served primarily as an economic weapon to roll back communism in the region. Yet after the end of the Cold War the programme was soon transformed into an embryonic free trade agreement. Its goal was no longer to keep communism at bay but to defend the North American market against foreign producers. The CBI started out as an economic tool to project imperial power into the region but it soon turned into a tool to preserve America's economic power against the newly industrialized nations of South-East Asia.
Bibliographical data
Edition | 1 |
ISBN | 978-3-8329-7057-4 |
Subtitle | From Reaganomics of Development to Free Trade |
Publication Date | Nov 29, 2012 |
Year of Publication | 2012 |
Publisher | Nomos |
Format | Hardcover |
Language | englisch |
Pages | 322 |
Medium | Book |
Product Type | Scientific literature |
»Presslers Werk ist die erste historische Darstellung der CBI (bisherige Beiträge kamen von Juristen, Ökonomen, Politikwissenschaftlern) und leistet Pionierarbeit. Es bietet trotz der Fülle an Abkürzungen eine gut lesbare und mit 1.005 Fußnoten aufwendig recherchierte Darstellung. Das enorme Quellenkorpus umfasst nicht nur Zeitungsartikel und Regierungsdokumente aus zahlreichen Archiven etlicher Staaten, sondern auch Dokumente von Regierungsinstitutionen, Lobbygruppen, Korporationen, NGOs sowie persönliche Memoiren relevanter Akteure und Interviews.«
Debora Gerstenberger, Januar 2014
Debora Gerstenberger, Januar 2014
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