Trains across borders
Bd.4 -Comparative studies on international cooperation in railway development
Nomos, 1. Edition 2013, 303 Pages
The product is part of the series
Historische Dimensionen Europäischer Integration
Rail transport across political boundaries has existed for a long time. But a good rail service across borders requires coordination and agreement in many fields. Numerous technical standards have to be harmonized, but beyond that a common understanding of rail’s rôle on the transport market and agreed service concepts are necessary.
However, the policy and planning objectives are often different on each side of a border. The book presents an analysis of how common ideas and projects for cross-border transport were developed in the political and planning discourse. Service concepts, tariffs and infrastructure are covered as key areas of rail transport. Cases from the late 19th century and the decades after World War II are compared.
Difficulties of taking steps (back) towards a “European” rail network can be experienced even today. The aim to unite Europe on rails often stands in contrast to the technical complexity of the railways, increasing competition and diverging ideas.
However, the policy and planning objectives are often different on each side of a border. The book presents an analysis of how common ideas and projects for cross-border transport were developed in the political and planning discourse. Service concepts, tariffs and infrastructure are covered as key areas of rail transport. Cases from the late 19th century and the decades after World War II are compared.
Difficulties of taking steps (back) towards a “European” rail network can be experienced even today. The aim to unite Europe on rails often stands in contrast to the technical complexity of the railways, increasing competition and diverging ideas.
Bibliographical data
Edition | 1 |
ISBN | 978-3-8487-0855-0 |
Subtitle | Bd.4 -Comparative studies on international cooperation in railway development |
Publication Date | Nov 14, 2013 |
Year of Publication | 2013 |
Publisher | Nomos |
Format | Softcover |
Language | englisch |
Pages | 303 |
Medium | Book |
Product Type | Scientific literature |
»Auch in der Gegenwart ist zu erleben, wie schwer sich Schritte (zurück) zu einem 'europäischen' Bahnsystem im Widerstreit mit technischer Komplexität, zunehmender Konkurrenz und unterschiedlichen Ideen umsetzen lassen. Das verfasste Werk von Schiefelbusch liefert dafür eine gute Grundlage und gibt den an dieser Frage Interessierten so wertvolle Denkanstöße.«
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Bahn-Report 1/15
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