Unionsrechtliche Impulse für das Recht der Massenentlassung

Nomos, 1. Edition 2019, 331 Pages
The product is part of the series Arbeits- und Sozialrecht
ISBN 978-3-8487-5706-0
ISBN 978-3-8452-9838-2
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In recent years, the ECJ has paved the way for a uniform European law on collective redundancies. This PhD thesis takes up the corresponding rulings and places them in an overall context. It focuses on the current rulings of the ECJ on the interpretation of the concepts of ‘a company’, ‘dismissal’ and ‘an employee’. Of particular importance in this respect is the Balkaya ruling by the ECJ, which led to a fundamentally new perspective on the managing directors of German limited liability companies. The thesis deals with the legal consequences of this ruling and reveals initial solutions that can be implemented in practice. Finally, it addresses the question of whether employers should be granted the protection of legitimate expectation with regard to the current case law of the ECJ. This study thus paints a comprehensive picture of current developments in the German and European laws on collective redundancies.
Bibliographical data
Bibliographical data
Edition 1
ISBN 978-3-8487-5706-0
Publication Date Apr 30, 2019
Year of Publication 2019
Publisher Nomos
Format Softcover
Language deutsch
Pages 331
Medium Book
Product Type Scientific literature
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