Unterschiedliche Rechtskulturen - Konvergenz des Rechtsdenkens - Different Legal Cultures - Convergence of Legal Reasoning

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ISBN 978-3-7890-7127-0
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The book evolved from a conference held by the "Subcommittee on Basic Research” of the "German National Committee of Comparative Law”. In an opening contribution Brüggemeier reflects on different aspects of the divergence of legal cultures and the divergence in legal reasoning. The following articles deal with the hypothesis of the convergence in legal reasoning: Schulze approaches the issue from a historical perspective. Kramer distinguishes phenomena of methodological convergences between civil law and common law legal methodology on the one hand and phenomena of methodological internationalization on the other. Focusing on the convergence of European national legal systems, van Gerven describes the impact of the mutual penetration of the national laws of the European member states and European law on legal methodology. Gordley’s contribution challenges the hypothesis of the convergence of legal reasoning in civil law and common law systems. The articles in part II of the book by Jutras and Meuwissen introduce different Law School curricula designed both to meet the educational challenges and to shape the process of internationalization of law.
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Edition 1
ISBN 978-3-7890-7127-0
Publication Date Feb 22, 2001
Year of Publication 2001
Publisher Nomos
Format Softcover
Language deutsch
Pages 126
Medium Book
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