Vergleich und Verzicht im aktienrechtlichen Organhaftungsrecht aus der Perspektive des Aufsichtsrats
Nomos, 1. Edition 2018, 413 Pages
The product is part of the series
Studien zum Handels-, Arbeits- und Wirtschaftsrecht
German stock corporations are increasingly confronted with managers who breach their corporate duties. However, corporations’ supervisory boards often tend to reach settlements instead of suing current or former executive board members for breaching their duties. This practice is not fully reflected in the legal debate. Settling and waiving claims, both of which are regulated in § 93 IV 3 of the German Stock Corporation Act, have only been partially discussed. This doctoral dissertation aims to fill that gap. It discusses the requirements and the applicability of § 93 IV 3, the effects of a settlement or waiver on creditors and joint debtors as well as the duties and liability risks of the supervisory board when deciding on a settlement or waiver.
Bibliographical data
Edition | 1 |
ISBN | 978-3-8487-5088-7 |
Publication Date | Aug 27, 2018 |
Year of Publication | 2018 |
Publisher | Nomos |
Format | Softcover |
Language | deutsch |
Pages | 413 |
Medium | Book |
Product Type | Scientific literature |
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