Zwischen Haft und Freiheit

Nomos, 1. Edition 2021, 227 Pages
ISBN 978-3-7489-2460-9
ISBN 978-3-8487-8074-7
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There are huge differences between custody and freedom. In the former, life is dominated by the rhythm of the "total institution of prison" (Goffman), whereas, in the latter, it remains relatively self-determined—even in the case of drug dependency. How can the transition from one to the other be organised in such a way that people who are dependent on drugs suffer the least damage? This volume provides both answers to that question and examples of good practice in this respect:
  • the requirements and strategies of drug users when they are released from prison
  • current practice in treating prisoners who use drugs
  • examples of good practice when it comes to release management (networks, counselling, etc.)
  • needs, alternatives and management from a multi-professional perspective. With contributions by Esther Bäumler, Farschid Dehnad, Marcel Guéridon, Ulrike Häßler, Jan-Gert Hein, Daniela Jamin, Karlheinz Keppler, Thimna Klatt, Bärbel Knorr, Gero Moog, Mark Neidert, Bianca Shah, Heino Stöver, Thomas Walker und Jan Weber.
  • More Information
    More Information
    Edition 1
    ISBN 978-3-8487-8074-7
    Subtitle Bedarfe und Möglichkeiten einer guten Entlassungsvorbereitung von Drogengebrauchenden
    Publication Date Mar 5, 2021
    Year of Publication 2021
    Publisher Nomos
    Format Softcover
    Language deutsch
    Pages 227
    Medium Book
    Product Type Scientific literature
    Book Service
    © 2024 Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG